Product Description
The ICP5000 Dual View ICP-OES Spectrometer with a focal length of 0.4m and a wavelength range of 160 – 900nm, is an Echellé Grating Spectrometer with a Prism which acts as a Cross Dispersion System allowing the simultaneous display of all spectral lines in a single exposure and the analysis of the complete spectrum in a compact area. The Spectrometer is Argon OR Nitrogen purged to allow the analysis of elements in the far UV such as Aluminium at 167nm. The detection system is a Charged Coupled Device (CCD) 1024 x1024 Pixels. (CCD Pixel Size 24 µm x 24µm). The detector is electrically cooled to approx. -40°C region with a Triple Stage Peltier system, for superior and fast cooling providing lower dark current and noise. All pixels of the CCD feature Anti-Blooming Protection (ABP) for improved resolution and separation of simultaneous analytical peaks.
This high speed acquisition system provides for simultaneous Full- Spectrum reading and real-time single pixel sub- array monitoring allowing very fast analysis. The “on – board” Solid State RF Generator operates at a frequency of 27.12 MHz OR 40.68MHz and has a computer controlled forward power range of 800 – 1600 Watts (With an ECO Standby Power of 500W to conserve and reduce argon consumption) with real time automatic tuning with stability better than 0.1%. Our recently added ICP-Cam provides a colour High Resolution continuous view of the Plasma in Real Time thus enabling the operator to ensure that the plasma is operating at its optimum even when handling ‘difficult’ samples. The plasma ignition and generator output is fully monitored via the ICP-Win Software To see the complete Start-Up and Shut-Down of the RF Plasma and the use of the ICP-CAM please watch the video below.
The instrument is available as standard with BOTH axial and radial views of the plasma. Thus providing an ICP Spectrometer that can be used for ultimate sensitivity and also offers maximum flexibility.
The sample introduction system is via a multi- channel (5 channel) 12 roller peristaltic pump (controlled via the software). A Demountable Torch which allows for fast alignment, cyclonic spray chamber and a concentric glass nebuliser are supplied as standard (Further options available on request).
The following Video shows how to select APPLICATION SPECIFIC Accessories and consumables. The applications include Drinking Water, Sea Water and Brines, HF and concentrated acids and oils, wear metals etc. (see the video below)
The ICP5000DV is equipped with the option to use an additional gas – Oxygen which can be used for the analysis of organics and oils. (See the video below)
The system is fully computer controlled via user friendly ICP-Win Software. The multi–window and multi-method analysis program enables fast simultaneous measurements. The software has a built in library of over 70000 spectral lines showing inter-element corrections (IEC) and interferences. Visual Background correction points are displayed. The software allows the display of complete “Spectrograms” showing automatically and manually calibrated spectral lines.
ICP5000DV compact bench top ICP-OES system in full operation in a laboratory
Show Ignitor, RF Coil, nose cone and RF Sensor.
Shows gas connections (cooling gas, auxiliary and Nbeuliser gas connections
Our Basic sample introduction system showing the cyclonic spray chamber, concentric nebuliser, peristaltic pump
Over view of some features of the ICP5000DV.